Big Fat List of Emergency Preparedness Essential Oils + Application Charts
I am neither an alarmist, prepper or a survivalist but I do feel strongly that all who call themselves such, have an important message for everyone!
Be prepared.
We've seen enough natural disasters over the last 10 years to realize that none of us are immune...Mother Nature isn't selective. We could be expected to fend for ourselves and our families for some time should the power go out or ourwater supply is rendered unfit to drink or, cut off. What about your family'shealth needs? Ask yourself these questions?
1. What would you do if your one of your children had an asthma attack and you couldn't find the inhaler?
2. What would you do if someone in your family developed a bacterial infection and no medical help was available?
3. What would you do in the case of a bad toothache and you had no access to a dentist?
4. How would you handle the stress and anxiety associated with a natural or man-made disaster, economic crisis or act of terroism?
Here's an important list of what many essential oil experts consider to be the most important Emergency Essential Oils to have on hand.
Lavender: a universal oil great for almost anything! Heals burns, cuts, relieve insomnia, reduces stress, a powerful antihistimine, bug bites, bruises, sleep deprivation, inflammation, sunburn, lice. Soothing to skin irritations, earache and depression. Lavender is the number one essential oil to have in your survival kit!
Lemon: known for it's cleansing ability. Add a few drops to water to purify. Great for intestinal parasites, dissolves petrochemicals in your body, effective for colds and flu, helps digestive and liver work, gout, sore throat, disinfectant, antiseptic.
Peppermint: effective for nausea, digestive issues, allergies, menstrual problems, reduces fever, increase alertness, focus and oxygen absorption. Great for headaches, muscle aches. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, use for shock, colds, colic and heartburn.
Oregano: effective in treating bacterial infections and yeast infections, relieves back and joint pain, inflammation, cold and flu, kills warts and skin tags, athlete's foot, effective cleanse for GI health.

Melaleuca: can be used as a first aid ointment, useful for skin irritations, bug bites, athlete's foot, eczema and psoriasis. Aids in immune function and supports against throat and respiratory pathogens, helps with slivers in the skin.
Helichrysum: great for painful bruising, sprains, swelling. Any injury without broken skin can be treated with helichrysum oil. Used to treat shock, help with broken bones, help with allergies, beneficial against infections and viruses.
Myrrh: good for antiseptic needs, pain relief and swelling of cuts, wounds or bruises. Can be applied on open wounds. Stimulates the immune system and blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration. Astringent and analgesic propertiess, eases coughing/tonsillitis and other infections.
Clove: helps relieve toothaches, headaches, and other pain. Can be used to draw toxins and infections from the body. Aids in relieving nausea or constipation.
Frankincense: enhances the effects of other essential oils, reduces inflammation, relieve headaches, supports skin tissue recovery, soothe hyperactivity, restlessness, facilitates clarity and focus of mind.
Lemongrass: soothes sore and cramping muscles, naturally cleansing, warms feet in winter.
Deep Blue: oil blend great for muscle and joint pain, arthritis, inflammation, bruises, sprains and migraine headaches.
Breathe: oil blend helps ease respiratory distress by opening the airways, clears the lungs and sinuses of congestion, promotes restful sleep and relaxation. Ideal for those with asthma and allergies.
Purify: oil blend of Lemongrass, Melaleuca, Lavender and Citronella for purifying. Eliminates airborne pathogens, bacteria, viruses, mold or fungus. Effective to cleanse cuts and wounds, purify surfaces, neutralize poisons from inseat bites, bee stings, spider bites. Treats respiratory conditions.
On Guard: oil blend that eliminates airborne pathogens, supports immune function, prevents colds, sore throats and influenza, inhibits MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, stops growth of viruses and bacteria and aids in mold inhibition.
TerraShield: oil blend that deters flying inseats and ticks, is a natural bug and insect repellent. Helps to protect pets from ticks and fleas.
DigestZen: oil blend that relieves digestive discomforts such as food poisoning, acid reflux, nausea, constipation, or diarrhea, helps support digestive function.
Now that you have "The List", here's how to use the essential oils that you've stocked in your emergency preparedness provisions:
It's important to note here that doTERRA's essential oils will most likely outlive you and I. There is no shelf life for pure plant essence! This is a very special benefit for you and your family and, an economical one. By investing in pure essential oils from doTERRA, you're providing your family a sense of securityand empowerment knowing that you can take care of most health needs efficiently, and without side effects.
doTERRA essential oils are safe, effective and natural.